Friday, January 27, 2012

I do not think it means what you think it means....

So in the past week I have seen a few stories in the news about how atheists are trying to remove icons or displays of a religious (mainly Christian) nature for public display and/or property. The basic claim is that be being subjected to the sight of these displays, it is a violation of their right to privacy or mental well being or some such. They don't like it, they don't agree with it, and it is being forced into their daily lives without their say-so.

Well I'll tell you what, when I can get 90% of the radio stations and music and tv and movies that I have to see media for or listen to in my daily life banned from public display, than great. Until then, buzz off.

As Americans we have the right to free speech, right up until it infringes on someone else's rights of privacy (I.E. I told their big dark secret), personal safety (what I say somehow harms them, see verbal assault), mourning (I'm looking at you, Westboro Baptist.), or good name (slander, libel, etc). Other wise I get a free pass.

"Oh, but we have freedom from religion!"

Wait... what?! Freedom FROM Religion? That is the most absurd load of crap I have heard in a while.

First off, our founding fathers were deeply religious men of faith. The whole reason many of the original colonies were found was for religious freedom. They were being oppressed by the Anglican church and so they went to were the church had hard time following. And just to be sure, lets look at what our Constitution says...

Amendment I.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (Can't force a state religion, or make a religion of higher standing with the state), or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (can't make a law stopping the worship or exercises of a faith (note, again, this is unless it interferes with an individual right. That virgin sacrifice to Satan? It's murder. The infant sacrifice to Moloch? Murder. The ritual beating or honor killing of young woman because she was raped? Assault or Murder.); or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So to recap: You can't force me to worship Allah if I don't wanna, (see what I did there? Eh? Eh?....Ahem) and you can't stop me from worshiping Jesus if I choose to. The ONLY cause the government has to regulate my free worship is if I infringe on someones right to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. you don't like my church? You don't have to come in, you are free to pursue your happiness elsewhere. Note, you (and I) do not have the right to happiness, simply the right to pursue it. Believe me, if I had a right to happiness, Justin Bieber and the Twilight series would have been removed eons ago.

That said, I can avoid what I don't like most of the time, and when I can't, I suck it up and soldier on because living with free speech means that once in a while you get offended. Deal with it.

Many of our laws have a direct basis in ancient Judaic law. There is a reason the Ten Commandments were prominent in many places of law, it reminds us of our legislative history.

The Cross is not only a reminder of the sacrifice of Christ for our sins, but that God showed mercy on sinful man, and is calling on us to show mercy and love to our fellow man.

And if you don't hold them as important, then ignore them. There are cheap displays that feed the idle fancies of those of us who have faith. But find them offensive? I find most of the crap filling our airwaves offensive, but I will fight to the end to protect the right to broadcast it.

Freedom from religion? Try freedom for religion.

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