Saturday, April 21, 2012

Stop, hey what's that sound, everybody look...

Back in the day a band called Buffalo Springfield produced a song called "For what it's worth." You might know it as something else...

It was, contrary to popular belief, written in response to the Sunset Strip Riots of 1966. The basics of the issue, so far as I can tell, is that the younger generation felt the older generation was trying to suppress their good times by implementing a curfew.

This song was taken (albeit out of context) and used for numerous purposes, mainly anti-war protests in the Vietnam era and it would not shock me in the slightest if we heard the 99 percenters using it in New York and D.C. The general feeling it evokes is that we are almost intentionally ignoring the suppression of freedom and individual rights. Which would make it ironic that the 99 percenters would use it, but that is for another day.

Lesson: If we don't pay attention, we lose something important, like our freedoms.

What are we losing nowadays? What do we risk giving up because we choose not to be aware of what is going on around us?

The morality of our nation is at risk because we have buried our heads in the sand, and when the government said "Don't worry, we'll take care of your kids while you work," we said "Oh thank God," and pursued the false gods of greed and self. We choose to sell our children for a bit more time, a bit more money, a bit more peace. And when we lose our children we lose the future. We lose the chance to instill in them morals, values, and most importantly faith.

If we as a nation have lost touch with our faith than we have lost all hope for our future. Faith in God's grace, in His powerful works in our lives, in His ability to forgive our sins and give us endurance and strength to withstand temptation is what has made our nation great. We have been fearless in the face of overwhelming odds, fierce in our pursuit of justice, valiant in our fight against tyranny. And having lost our faith we have turned on each each other, looking to make a quick buck, climber higher by stepping on the other guy, letting the odds steal our children from us each day.

If we don't wake up and see what we are swiftly losing we won't have a chance to rescue it. All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. And we have done nothing for a long, long time.

But that's just my opinion, for what it's worth.

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